How to: Lock and Unlock a Purchase Budget

Locking a completed budget lets you prevent accidental modification or deletion. Once a budget is locked, you will no longer be able to perform any update to its entries and properties. You can unlock the budget, if it needs to be changed.

You can assign a permission to the budget to define who has access to lock or unlock the budget. For more information see Budget Permissions.

To lock a Purchase Budget

  1. Click the icon, enter Retail Purchase Budget List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select the Retail Purchase Budget you wish to lock, and click the Purchase Budget action under the action menu to open the Retail Purchase Budget page.
  3. Click the Lock Budget action under the Functions action group to lock the Purchase Budget. The Status of the Purchase Budget will be changed to Locked.

To unlock a Purchase Budget

  1. Click the icon, enter Retail Purchase Budget List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select the Retail Purchase Budget you wish to unlock, and click the Purchase Budget action to open the Retail Purchase Budget page.
  3. Click Functions - Unlock Budget to unlock the Purchase Budget. The Status of the Purchase Budget will be changed to Open.

See Also

Retail Purchase Budgets